Fundamentals of Electricity

This course is structured to offer a foundational understanding of electrical technology. It delves into fundamental principles, concepts, and terminology essential for the electrical trade. Candidates will gain insight into various aspects such as electrical installations, utilization of measuring instruments, signal processing, power transfer mechanisms, and energy conversion processes. This comprehensive curriculum equips learners with the knowledge necessary for both comprehension and practical application within the electrical field.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, the trainees should be able to:

  • Explain the structure of matter and its relevance to electricity and electronics

  • Define and distinguish electro-motive force from potential difference operations

  • Understand electrical standard notations and perform simple mathematical operations

  • Identify primary and secondary cells and explain the effect of resistance on battery output

  • Identify and state the function of various types and sizes of resistors, capacitors and inductors

  • Explain the colour coding system of resistors and capacitors, and calculate their values and tolerance from their colour codes.

  • Define ohm’s law. Calculate resistance, voltage and current using Ohm’s law

Training Requirements

  • Science background or technical experience is an advantage

Application Process

  • Complete the online registration form

  • Make payment for the training

  • Be physically fit for the training

Date and Duration

  • 5 Days: June 24th to 28th 2024

  • 5 Days: July 22nd to 26th 2024 

  • 5 Days: November 4th to 8th 2024


IIT Complex, Channels TV Ave, Isheri Olofin, Lagos 105102, Lagos

Training Fee: N183,000

Certificate: Certificate of Attendance


Forklift Operation Training


Electrical Maintenance & Troubleshooting