The Dangers of Self-Medicating

When was the last time you saw a doctor? According to research, self-medication, which involves taking drugs without a doctor's prescription, is common in Nigeria, particularly among artisans who, due to the nature of their jobs, require medication to keep them fit for work. Self-medicating causes more harm than good to your health. Here are some of the risks associated with self-medication.

1.       Misdiagnosis

2.       Overdose

3.       Adverse Drug Reactions

4.       Worsened illnesses

5.       Death

  1. Misdiagnosis

You lack the necessary training/expertise to accurately discern the illness you have and may end up taking medications for the wrong illness, which can be dangerous.

2. Overdose

Every drug has a dosage to minimize its effect on the body, which is why doctors always specify how to use a drug. Without a doctor's advice, you run the risk of not taking the drugs as prescribed, which can have a negative impact on your body.

3. Adverse Drug Reactions

Some people take multiple drugs at the same time to increase their effectiveness, and some even combine herbal medications with processed drugs. If you are one of these people, you may be causing yourself more problems. Some drugs have an adverse reaction when combined with others, which could lead to additional medical issues for you.

4. Worsened illnesses

While you dismiss your symptoms and believe there is no need to visit the doctor, a minor illness may worsen into a major one because you ignored it or were unaware of its existence. This can happen if you do not see the doctor in time to detect such illnesses. "A stitch in time saves nine," as the saying goes.

5. Death

Taking the wrong medication for the wrong illness, failing to detect an illness in time, or taking an overdose of medication can all lead to death.

Regardless of your financial situation, it is critical to see a doctor if you notice any abnormal functioning of your body because they have the expertise to determine what is wrong with you and what medication you require to recover. If you are concerned about how much it will cost to see a doctor, consider investing in health insurance, which will provide you with access to medical care at a lower cost.


Photo source: Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash


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