Effects of Stress on Artisans in the Construction Industry
The Nigerian construction industry has witnessed significant growth over time and continues to expand due to rising demand for real estate and housing to accommodate a growing population as well as inter-state and inter-regional trade and mobility. Given the labor-intensive nature of construction, the sector attracts a considerable number of artisans who play crucial roles in executing projects. However, the execution of major construction projects involves intense physical activity, which exposes these artisans to occupational stress. Unfortunately, the welfare of these artisans has been overlooked for a long time, resulting in unregulated stress levels that have led to the loss of lives. Occupational stress, as defined by the American Psychological Association, refers to situations or conditions in the workplace that are detrimental to one's health.
What are the contributing factors that lead to increased stress levels among these artisans? Researcher Wahab A.B conducted a study on stress management among artisans in Nigeria's construction industry, identifying several stressors. These stressors include a high workload in terms of quantity and quality, irregular working hours, tight deadlines, inadequate understanding of project objectives, unsatisfactory salaries, lack of career guidance, job instability, poor working conditions, exposure to hazardous environments, and insufficient recognition for their work. A similar study conducted by Valentine Luvara in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, found comparable stressors and examined coping strategies for workplace stress among construction workers.
While some level of stress can be beneficial for productivity, excessive stress can have detrimental effects on individuals. It can have an emotional impact on artisans, causing them to become agitated, irritable, and moody, among other things. You merely need to visit a building site and interact with the artisans to see these characteristics. Many of them are quickly enraged at the least provocation. Consequently, this can strain their interpersonal relationships with colleagues, leading to physical altercations or the use of harsh language. Such conflicts can negatively affect productivity, especially in construction projects that rely on teamwork for success.
Moreover, stress has detrimental effects on the physical health of these artisans. The demanding physical nature of construction work and the pressure to meet deadlines often result in muscle tightness in the back and neck, body pains, migraines, insomnia, dizziness, and high blood pressure, among other physical ailments. Tragically, some artisans even sustain major injuries or lose their lives as a consequence.
The mental well-being of artisans is also at risk. The hazardous working environment, coupled with abusive management practices, and insufficient incomes to meet their financial obligations and support their families, can lead to mental breakdowns. Artisans may experience mental health issues such as depression, frequent memory lapses, and difficulty concentrating, which further impede their ability to perform tasks effectively.
The impact of stress extends beyond the artisans themselves and affects the entire organization. Researchers have identified stress as a significant contributor to various challenges, including absenteeism, low employee morale, high rates of accidents and turnover, decreased productivity, and increased medical expenses for the company. Therefore, it is crucial for the construction industry to prioritize efforts to alleviate stress among artisans. While certain stressors may be beyond the industry's control, there are measures that can be taken to mitigate the stressors within its sphere of influence.
Photo by Jopwell: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-white-cap-and-blue-shirt-reaching-a-yellow-rope-1325725/
Wahab, A. (2010). Stress Management among Artisans in Construction Industry in Nigeria. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 10, 90702-091402. https://globaljournals.org/GJRE_Volume10/gjre_vol10_issue1_ver1__paper19.pdf
Luvara, V. G. M. (2017). Factors and Coping Strategies for Workplace Stress among Construction Workers in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 6(5). https://doi.org/10.24940/ijird/2017/v6/i5/may17063